4 Tips for Beauty Professionals to Increase Social Media Engagement

4 Tips for Beauty Professionals to Increase Social Media Engagement - 7E Wellness

The best marketing is free marketing... and the best free marketing is your social media presence! Do you ever feel like you're sharing and sharing to your Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter pages and just can't seem to catch anyone's interest?

We get it, maintaining social media accounts can feel like taking on a job you didn't sign up for and are no good at. To make things worse, algorithms are constantly changing and ultimately responsible for deciding whose posts get seen and whose do not. It is easy to feel defeated before we even begin.

improving social media engagement as an esthetician, skin care professional, business small

We have shared our tips for attracting more clients to your social media, but today we have four amazing tips from our Social Media Specialist on how to boost social media engagement and make sure your talents as an esthetician don't go overlooked.


Before you continue, free social media marketing for estheticiansmake sure to click here to get our FREE simple, classy and informative social media graphics to educate your clients and help them understand the services you offer. There are graphics for helping define a variety of services for your clients, from microcurrent to radio frequency.


1. Educate your Audience

    educate followers to increase social media engagement

    I see a lot of small businesses and entrepreneurs creating social media accounts and bombarding their followers with "what they should buy". This approach lets off the impression that you are desperate for business. Instead, start asking yourself how you can provide value to your followers. Think of questions you hear frequently and create a post answering the question. This shows your audience that you are knowledgeable in your field, gives them insight into who you are and where you can help, and makes them feel more comfortable on a topic that may be intimidating to them.

    2. Ask Questions

    ask questions, educate your audience and get their opinions

    I try to incorporate a lot of questions into our posts here at 7E. By doing this, you give your audience something more to engage with! When you post a generic photo with a list of your services or picture of your front desk and caption something like "schedule an appointment today!", what do you expect followers to engage with? Imagine how many other companies are trying to flag down your client base with that same post!
    When you create a question you draw people in and encourage them to speak their mind.
    A little secret for you: people are always eager for an opportunity to talk about themselves. It's in our nature!
    Try this one, "If you had all the time and money in the world, how often would you treat your skin to a facial?"

    3. Be Consistent

    schedule consistent posts on social media to increase engagement

    Show up consistently. It doesn't have to be every single day, but you should have a general schedule set up for your posts on each account. Share motivational quotes to your Instagram every Monday or share your latest blog articles each Wednesday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays you share latest beauty industry news articles to your Facebook -- it's up to you! But be consistent. Give your audience something to look forward to and latch onto. If they know what to expect, they'll keep an eye out for it. That means even if the algorithms skip you, your loyal followers may still seek you out intentionally.

    Bonus Tip: When I know I will be too busy during a particular date or week, I make sure social media posts are pre-planned by useing a post scheduling platform like Hootsuite or Buffer. These tools allow you to create posts ahead of time and schedule them to automatically post to different accounts at set dates and times.

    4. Share your Story

    Tell your story to get social media engagement up in the beauty industry

    Never assume that your audience knows everything about you or your business. About once a month try making a post introducing yourself and / or your team. Share how you ended up where you are! Share challenges you faced in getting to where you are, share victories and accomplishments, share why you chose the beauty industry. Anything you feel is special or unique about your business, yourself or your employees is worth sharing. When people get a chance to hear your story it gives them an opportunity to look for similarities and decide if your business is one they can trust.